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Excusive: Justice League Movie Character Info; Darkseid’s Elite, Lois Lane, Alfred and more
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Advanced Review: X-O Manowar #8
There has been a tense truce made between two completely different warriors. One has the guile and skill of th…
Advanced Review: Harbinger #7
A trio runs from near death at the hands of Toyo Harada, two of them are psiots while the third — a mere…
Review: Avengers Arena #1
Let’s not pull any punches about this book. This series is Marvel’s answer to all the tween hype g…
Advanced Review: Batman #15
There are times when a book or storyline will hit you so hard visually that it immediately takes your breath a…
Advanced Review: The Walking Dead #105
The Walking Dead is virtually everywhere you turn these days! TV, video games, lunch boxes, t-shirts, posters,…
Advanced Review: Bloodshot #6
For all of the Bloodshot fans out there, we all know that there are BIG changes coming for our abused “a…
Advanced Review: Archer & Armstrong #5
Are you ready for the explosive debut of The Eternal Warrior to the all-new Valiant Universe? Even if you thin…
Review: Shadowman #2
The second book under the “Shadowman” moniker is actually a first real look at the rest of the cas…
Spike TV 2012 VGA Fallout: The Good & The Bad
2012 Spike TV VGA Fallout By: Lawrence Napoli Jesus, Mary and Joseph, what did Spike TV do now? […
Video Game Review: The Walking Dead: No Time Left (Episode 5)
A Video Game Review of The Walking Dead: No Time Left By: Lawrence Napoli Chapter 5 of TellTale Games�…
Advanced Review: The Legend of Luther Strode #1
It has been five years since Luther Strode decided to read “The Hercules Method” and his world was…
Advanced Review: All-New X-Men #2
The world has been torn asunder after the Phoenix Force merged with Scott Summers. Cities are destroyed, mutan…
Movie Review: Lincoln (2012)
The Legend of Lincoln A Film Review of Lincoln By: Lawrence Napoli To quote fictional President Andrew …
Will The Walking Dead #107 See The Death Of Carl?
Update: For the recent Carl TV scene, head on over here. (Editor’s Note: For more: The Doc also p…
10 Facts Why Lori Is Still Alive In The Walking Dead TV Show (AMC)
One Bloated Zombie, Does Not A Body Make! By: Chris “DOC” Bushley Three graves have been du…
Review: Green Lantern Corps #14
The green light that emits from the heavens used to be so blinding that only the most vile of criminals would …
Review: All-New X-Men #1
A stepping stone between the past and the future of the X-Men has been cast by Brain Michael Bendis in this we…
Advanced Review: Batman #14
Far too often in the comics world, we see villains repeat past deeds over and over again with exactly the same…
Advanced Review: The Walking Dead #104
Wow! That’s truly all I can say. Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard are continually making their fanbase …