Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Buffalo, NY Filming Dates, Locations & Details


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 will be filming for two weeks this May in Buffalo, NY, the hometown of Cosmic Book News.

Local news stations report that filming will take place Monday, May 4th to Sunday, May 17th with scenes taking place on the Kensington Expressway.

It is reported none of the big-name actors will be present for the scenes as filming is said to only involve stunt work including vehicle chases and helicopters.

“We are shooting an action sequence which involves multiple vehicle chases, it involves helicopters,” Wendy Williams, the unit production manager in charge of TMNT 2, told Buffalo’s Channel 2. “I don’t think it’s specifically anything louder on a daily basis than what you would hear on a freeway.”

Parts of the Kensington Expressway – the 33 – will be shutdown for filming with traffic detours set up on Genesee Street, Harlem Road and Delaware Ave. The 33 will be closed in both directions from Elm Street to thScajaquada Expressway, between 7 pm and 6 am. 

Paramount has said the scenes will make up about five minutes of the movie, with the rest of filming to take place in NYC.

“What we found in Buffalo, was that there are these amazing stretches of highway have almost like a basin with a wall, and then you rise up and out of it and now you’re in the city,” Williams added.

The location is about 15 minutes from the CBN offices. When filming starts, we’ll try to head over and see exactly what’s going on and snap some images and video.

“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2” has a June 3, 2016 release directed by David Green starring Megan Fox as April O’Neil, Will Arnett as Vern Fenwick and Stephen Amell as Casey Jones.

Here is an image of the location:

And a news report from Buffalo’s Channel 7:

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