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Review: Shadowman #5
After saving the world and returning from the Deadside, Jack Boniface deserves a little time to relax and be h…
Review: Age of Ultron #1
Bendis has finally released the tale of the Age of Ultron that was teased way back in 2009, but is it worth th…
Review: Superior Spider-Man #5
When Dan Slott first started his arc of replacing Peter Parker with the consciousness of Doc Ock, fans were en…
The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 3/6/2013
The Top Of The Pile By: Chris “DOC” Bushley This is a “quick pick” look …
Movie Review: Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
Crazy Good A Film Review of Silver Linings Playbook By: Lawrence Napoli This film was released in theaters Dec…
Review: Guardians of the Galaxy 0.1 (Bendis & McNiven)
McNiven and
The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 2/27/2013
The Top Of The Pile By: Chris “DOC” Bushley This is a “quick pick” look at the …
Advanced Review: Batman Incorporated #8
Spoilers Ahoy! The cover was leaked and now everyone is talking about the harrowing details about this week…
2013 Oscars: Results, Opinions & Fallout
[[wysiwyg_imageupload:5831:]] Oscar Fallout 2013 What the hell just happened? By: Lawrence Napoli What …
Review: Justice League Of America #1
There is something amiss in the DCU. The Justice League, a team that has been put on a pedestal by the general…
Movie Review: Argo (2012)
Argo *uck Yourself! A Film Review of Argo By: Lawrence Napoli I’m just kidding about the title kiddie…
Movie Review: Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
Not Quite Dark Enough and Not What You’re Expecting A Film Review of Zero Dark Thirty By: Lawrence Napoli &n…
Review: Nova #1 (Loeb & McGuinness)
McGuinness‘ art and Gracia’s coloring are magnificent to behold. Too bad they’re connected t…
Axel Alonso Says Marvel Studios Doesn’t Affect Marvel Comics; Anymore?
Does the MCU affect the Marvel Comics? EIC Axel Alonso responds to a fan’s question.
Review: Archer & Armstrong #7
With A new Geomancer being created last issue, what are Archer and Armstrong to do with the Eternal Warrior an…
Review: Bloodshot #8
As Bloodshot continues to try and find out his true name in the bowels of Project Rising Star, he has come acr…
Review: The Walking Dead #107
Like a rolling thunderstorm, The Walking Dead #107, begins with a cavalcade of chaos that assaults the senses …
Review: Batman #17
This is it! The finale of the “Death Of The Family” arc, by the dynamic duo of Scott Snyder a…
Top 10 Worst Movie Girlfriends
(some of) The Worst Girlfriends/Wives in Movies By: Lawrence Napoli FU Valentine’s Day! It clea…
Top 10 Best Movie Girlfriends
(Some of) The Best Girlfriends/Wives in Movies By: Lawrence Napoli Happy Valentine’s Day! February 14th …