Guardians of the Galaxy’s Nicole Perlman Eyed To Write Captain Marvel With Meg LeFauve


It’s learned that Kevin Feige and Marvel are eyeing the writing duo of Nicole Perlman and Meg LeFauve to write the Carol Danvers Captain Marvel (Ms. Marvel to Cosmic fans) movie.

THR reports that Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige was impressed with their separate takes on Captain Marvel and has thought it best to combine the two for “sensational results.”

It’s said that Perlman and LeFauve are currently in talks, and that no director is presently involved.

Nicole Perlman wrote the first draft of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie and recognized the potential for the Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning comic from early on. Perlman was part of the Marvel Writers Program back in 2009 where she chose Guardians of the Galaxy to adapt. It’s been said that Perlman’s Guardians of the Galaxy was closer to the comic book version and a more serious take on the story and characters than the James Gunn version. Perlman is also set to write a Gamora series for Marvel, which is more serious take on the character than the current Marvel Comics parody versions of Guardians of the Galaxy.

Meg LeFauve co-wrote Pixar’s upcoming Inside Out and also has producer credits with The Dangerous Lives of Alter Boys.

Captain Marvel has a November 2, 2018 release and will not be a part of The Avengers: Age Of Ultron.

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