New Gal Gadot Wonder Woman Images


New Gal Gadot Wonder Woman images have been released online.

Time posted the images along with an article and interview with Gal Gadot regarding the UN backing off from having Wonder Woman as their official honorary ambassador.

“There are so many horrible things that are going on in the world, and this is what you’re protesting, seriously?” Gadot questioned.

The UN decided to pull Wonder Woman following racist petitions that objected to “a large-breasted white woman of impossible proportions” and “the epitome of a ‘pinup’ girl” becoming an official symbol of female power. 

 “When people argue that Wonder Woman should ‘cover up,’ I don’t quite get it,” Gadot said. “They say, ‘If she’s smart and strong, she can’t also be sexy.’ That’s not fair. Why can’t she be all of the above?

“I think people take it the wrong way when I say I’m a feminist,” Gadot continued. “Feminism is not about burning bras and hating men. It’s about gender equality. Whoever is not a feminist is a chauvinist.” 

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