Netflix’s ‘The Sandman’ Canceled Following Neil Gaiman Allegations

Netflix's 'The Sandman' Canceled Following Neil Gaiman Allegations

Following the upcoming release of Season 2, Netflix has opted to cancel The Sandman series in the wake of new allegations surrounding Neil Gaiman.

Will not impact The Sandman Season 2

The news comes via Variety who offers the cancellation will not impact The Sandman Season 2, but it obviously means there will be no third season:

The release plan for Season 2 will not be impacted by the cancellation and the episodes are still set for a 2025 release.

No plans for The Sandman Season 3 says the showrunner

The Sandman showrunner Allan Heinberg said in a statement to Variety on Friday claiming they were done with the show following Season 2 anyway:

“‘The Sandman’ series has always been focused exclusively on Dream’s story, and back in 2022, when we looked at the remaining Dream material from the comics, we knew we only had enough story for one more season. We are extremely grateful to Netflix for bringing the team all back together and giving us the time and resources to make a faithful adaptation in a way that we hope will surprise and delight the comics’ loyal readers as well as fans of our show.”

When does The Sandman Season 2 get released?

The Sandman Season 2 doesn’t have a specific release date but will be released sometime in 2025 on Netflix.

What happened with Neil Gaiman?

Last summer and just recently this month, Neil Gaiman is facing accusations of sexual assault. However, he has denied the allegations.

In addition to the cancellation of The Sandman at Netflix, Dark Horse Comics has canceled Gaiman’s Anansi Boys comic, and the Coraline musical has been canceled.

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