Check out a first look at the upcoming Disney Plus series Marvel’s Hero Project which puts the spotlight on real-life heroes.
The show follows young people who have made their own steps and forged their own paths towards the greater good.
In Marvel’s Hero Project, a new series streaming exclusively on Disney Plus when it arrives on November 12, several extraordinary, inspiring kids got their time in the Super Hero spotlight for the work they’ve done in their communities across the country.
Their causes are as diverse as they are, and on Marvel’s Hero Project, Marvel comic editors found a way to tell their stories. In every episode, each outstanding kid will be surprised to find out that they’ve been immortalized in a Marvel Comic — which will be available for free in Marvel Unlimited and the Marvel Digital Comics Store! — as a brand new Super Hero, putting them among the ranks of the Marvel heroes they love.
Marvel’s Hero Project set out to prove that it doesn’t take an iron suit, super strength, or a mythical hammer to be a hero — just seeing a problem and having the passion to solve it in a creative way is what made these kids heroes. And now you will be able to see their stories and be inspired by them.
Marvel’s Hero Project premieres on November 12, streaming exclusively on Disney Plus. Pre-order it now on