Last night following the winter finale to Marvel's Agents of SHIELD saw a teaser released for Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Slingshot, a new digital series coming next week that follows the secret mission of Natalia Cordova's Inhuman speedster, Elena 'Yo-Yo' Rodriguez.
Now a poster for Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Slingshot has made its way online via Marvel's Agnts of SHIELD costume designer Anne Foley on Instagram.
So excited for my girl @yosoycordova & even more excited for you guys to see Slingshot on 12/13! And a big shout out to @geoffreycolo for makin it all happen! #SlingShot #YoYo #agentsofshield
Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: Slingshot debuts December 13th on the ABC App consisting of six parts. Watch the teaser below as well.