Review: Guardians 3000 #2
I admit that I had my doubts about this book after reading the preview of it in the GotGINO anniversary issue….
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I admit that I had my doubts about this book after reading the preview of it in the GotGINO anniversary issue….
Since when is Star-Lord so clumsy and un-skilled with the ladies? Oh yeah – since Bendys* has been pro…
In this cliché-filled arc, Duggan has NINO take on Hulk’s Hulk – also known as “Kluh,” and NINO un-be…
It appears that Bendis has not read the history of the Nova concepts in general or The Thanos Imperative in pa…
This one belongs on the shelf right next to My Little Pony so all the 8-year-old girls can get a copy. R…
It’s no secret that I think Bendis’ run on this title has been a disaster for the concepts and characters….
There is very little right with this book, but one of the major things wrong with it is that it tries way too …
This independent reporter was invited to interview writer, Brian M. Bendis, in regard to Issue #18 of GotGINO …
Marvel Vice-President, Tom Brevoort, agreed to grant this independent reporter an interview over breakfast und…
I keep thinking NINO (Nova In Name Only) can’t get any worse. And then, NINO defies my expectations an…
For those just tuning in, this is the 19th episode of coverage of the Nova hostage crisis. To update new…
Sometimes a reboot of a concept surpasses the original. That was the case for Nova Volume IV. Most…
Tension continues to mount between the rag tag groups of heroes in Jason Aaron’s fantastic murder myster…
Warning: Spoilers Dead Ahead! Riding on the coattails of the fantastic Original Sin story by Jason Aaro…
In this issue of 1960’s Spiderman Inferiorly Re-packaged……………….I mean, NINO, the cover prett…
Jason Aaron brings more questions than answers to his tale of the death of the Watcher, but is that a good thi…
The Cosmic Triune An Opinion-Editorial By Timelord Nova: The Showdown with Marvel Editorial  …
Spinning directly out of his best selling book Superior Spiderman, Dan Slott, puts Peter Parker back in the ti…
I see Brevoort is listed as editor of this mini. Of course, he isn’t going to miss a chance to promote…
In the Bendis-written portion of this issue of Avengers Re-packaged……..I mean, GotGINO (Guardians of t…