Marvel TV Fails Deadpool

Marvel TV Fails Deadpool

It’s pretty much like I said in my last article on the topic, that Marvel TV is to blame for the Deadpool animated series failure.

This past weekend saw word that FXX and Fox had canceled plans for the adult comedy Deadpool animated series from Donald Glover, and his brother Stephen, citing “creative differences.”

Then rumors started swirling that Donald Glover was “too busy” to do the series.


Now Donald Glover takes to Twitter to clear the air by stating “for the record: i wasnt too busy to work on deadpool” and releases the fifteen page “finale” script.

The fifteen page finale is actually an allegory why the Deadpool animated series didn’t go forward with the blame placed on Marvel TV.

Donald Glover – through Deadpool – is basically stating that Marvel TV considered his Deadpool too risky. In essence, political correctness is the reason why Deadpool isn’t moving forward.


The script centers around Deadpool being hired to kill the last white rhino, Sudan, to get his horn. Deadpool is paid in Bitcoin with lots of culture jokes and such; I actually read it in the voice of Ryan Reynolds, and it’s hilarious.

Throughout the script, Deadpool makes subtle – and not so subtle – references as to why the series got canceled, and in one scene, Deadpool breaks the fourth wall and talks to the audience. 

Here are some exceprts (full pages are below):

You know, I’m not mad about this
whole “cancelled” thing. I
mean, is it even a good time to
have a violent, gun loving white
man ranting on TV?
         (hard sell)
Other than the PRESIDENT!

If this was “Last Week Tonight”, 
People woulda laughed.
      (thinks better of it)
Woulda clapped.

I mean, I get it. Maybe they just
wanna sell toys. And this style of
comedy isn’t it. It’s more “ha-ha,
but I’m mad.” I get that.

Do you think they cancelled the
show…cause of racisim?!

Yeah, but all the writers were
black. And the references were
pretty black too. I heard they
went over the lunch budget ordering
Jamaican food at least once a week.

You’re right. Black Panther.
Maybe were were alienting our white
No. We did the whole goat yoga
episode. Damn. What was it?

Noooooo. The Taylor Swift episode?
Nah. No. They had to have loved
that script.

Are you f–king kidding me?

The episode’s hilarious!

What? The Marvel stuff I said in
it? All I said was Marvel was
trying to sell toys to seven year
old boys and fifty year old pedophiles.
That’s just funny.
They’re cool. They get it.

Deadpool makes some jokes about Facbook, Google and Amazon, and then gets back to Marvel, where Glover takes a jab at the new Marvel TV Cloak and Dagger series.

It just feel like everyone wants
something different, but no one
want to do anything different to
get it. Doesn’t Marvel have enough
feel-good minority shows everyone
supports but doesn’t watch? I
mean, I think our show woulda been
funny. I just wanted a place to be
     (tearing up)
And I guess that place is Freeform.

The script continues about the white rhino, with it revealed that the bad guy of the story is the person who hired Deadpool, obviously stating Marvel TV is the bad guy in all of this.


I’m not surprised at all that Marvel TV is the reason behind the problems as they are known for causing problems with the Marvel Studios movies, which is why Kevin Feige fired Marvel TV from being involved with the MCU.

Mavel TV is made up of Ike Perlmutter, Jeph Loeb and the Marvel Comics goon squad, which nearly destroyed Marvel Comics with their political correctness take on the comic book characters; however, it backfired and former EIC Axel Alonso and writer Brian Bendis have since gotten fired or left Marvel, and now Marvel Comics is restoring their original characters.

Also to be clear, Marvel TV is a separate company than Marvel Studios at Disney, so don’t be blaming the movies for this. Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn has even talked about the disconnect between Marvel TV and Marvel Studios, and said he had problems while working on the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie with the former Marvel Comics Creative Committee (who make up Marvel TV, Comics, licenesing and merchandise). The disconnect and problems internally is also the reason Marvel TV isn’t a part of the MCU.

I’ll also add Disney CEO Bob Iger has gone on record stating when they aquire the Fox Studios Marvel properties that they won’t be changing the tone of the Deadpool movies.

It flat out sucks we won’t be getting Donald Glover’s take on Deadpool as the “script” he released sounded really awesome. Who knows? Maybe Ryan Reynolds could use him some time down the road.

Here are Deadpool animated series script pages from Donald Glover’s Twitter account: 









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