Marvel: Jim Starlin & Alan Davis Working On Thanos and Starfox Comic


At the recent New York Comic-Con, Marvel held the 25th Anniversary Infinity Gauntlet Panel with Jim Starlin.

At the fan portion of the Q&A, Jim Starlin was asked if he’ll be getting back to Captain Marvel (Mar-vell) again, as Starlin penned the Death of Captain Marvel story back in the ’80s. 

Jim Starlin let it be known that he is currently working on a new story with Marvel featuring Eros (Starfox) and Thanos.

“Yes, I am going to be coming back to that in a series of new graphic novels that I got set up with Marvel involving his little brother Eros. We’re going to do a series of stories involving Eros and Thanos. I have somebody named Alan Davis who is drawing them, who draws much better than I do. Yes he does [laughter]. I sit there and get these pages that we are working on right now, and I just drool.” 

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