Marvel Comics Announces Civil War II


In conjunction with the release of the Captain America: Civil War movie, Marvel Comics has announced a new Civil War II event which will be written by Brian Michael Bendis with art by David Marquez.

The series hits in 2016.


“The fun thing about CIVIL WAR [was] that the issues involved not only divided the heroes, they also divided the fans, to say nothing of the creative people,” reflects Tom Brevoort, editor of both series. “The attempt was to craft the conflict so that each side held a valid and defensible position, so that a reader could fundamentally agree with either one side or the other, with neither being painted as absolutely right or absolutely wrong. While the issues involved are different, we’ll be taking the same approach to CIVIL WAR II.”

“CIVIL WAR was a seismic event that demanded the attention of existing fans and created new ones because it tapped into the most pressing question of its day,” adds Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso. “CIVIL WAR II will do the same.”

“CIVIL WAR is rightly thought of by many as the landmark Marvel event and it’s a huge challenge to live up to the example set by Steve McNiven and [inker] Dexter Vines,” says Marquez. “Working on this book is a huge honor and an amazing opportunity to really push myself and show what I’m capable of artistically, and it’s also just great fun to get to pull out all the toys from the Marvel toy box!

“The creative team for CIVIL WAR set the bar for every following Marvel event, and I feel so lucky to be teamed up yet again with Brian Bendis and [colorist] Justin Ponsor. Having worked together over the past several years, first on MILES MORALES: ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN and just recently on INVINCIBLE IRON MAN, We have really gelled as a team; it’s almost like we can finish each other’s’ sentences, creatively. Now we get to really show what we’re capable of on Marvel’s biggest stage and I can’t wait until everyone gets to see!”

“The original CIVIL WAR is one of the most important Marvel comics ever, and we are all very excited to have come up with what we hope is a story worthy of the title,” echoes Bendis. “If you are scared of earth shattering Marvel events where no one is safe…be afraid, be very afraid.”

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