Mark Millar Wants WWE’s John Cena For Superior


Mark Millar, creator of Kick Ass and Kingsman, also wrote a take on Superman – with a big twist-  titled Superior, which is a comic book getting adapted to the big screen.

Now Millar has come out on Twitter and offered he wants none other than WWE Superstar John Cena for the role of the titular character.

“Just watched [Amy Schumer’s] Trainwreck & it’s my fave comedy in YEARS. [John Cena] so funny in it I literally just requested him for SUPERIOR,” Millar posted on Twitter.

The comic sees a young boy with multiple sclerosis granted one wish, and he chooses to become his favorite superhero — Superior. If you are not familiar with the story, don’t look further into it because there is a big spoiler involved. Cena actually isn’t a bad choice for the role, IMO.

John Cena has also been named a fan-favorite choice to star as Shazam opposite fellow WWE superstar Dwayne Johnson as Black Adam in the DCEU.

John Cena’s big screen credits also include Daddy’s Home, the Fred movies, No Way Out, Vengeance, and John Cena also provided the Hulk for the Marvel Avengers Academy video game.

Superior is currently in development and has no release date as of yet.

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