Mark Millar Slams Green Lantern, DCEU and MCU

Mark Millar Slams Green Lantern, DCEU and MCU

Noted comic book writer Mark Millar recently signed a deal with Netflix, which will not only see movies and shows created and released for the streaming network, but comics as well.

So Millarworld is going to be taking on the Big Two: Marvel and DC Comics.

Mark Millar recently blasted Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War as well as Steppenwolf in Justice League, and now Millar is back at it by telling Yahoo Movies the MCU is looking “a little saggy” while offering why the DCEU doesn’t work.

Regarding the MCU, it’s noted with Disney creating their own digital network, a void might be left on Netflix if Daredevil and the other Marvel series leave, which Millar states he is ready to fill.

Absolutely. These Marvel characters have been around for over twenty years and I think people are already getting a little itchy for something new. I mean what Iron Man are we on now? Everyone is starting to look a little saggy. I think the time is right for something new, we’ve got this incredible machine behind us and we’ve got 20 franchises just sitting there. We’re ready to get going.

Regarding the DC heroes, Millar goes more in-depth as he says they don’t work anymore for the present day audience.

I think it’s really simple the characters aren’t cinematic and I say this as a massive DC fan who much prefers their characters to Marvel’s. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are some of my favourites but I think these characters, with the exception of Batman, they aren’t based around their secret identity they are based around their super power. Whereas the Marvel characters tend to be based around the personality of Matt Murdock or Peter Parker or the individual X-Men, it’s all about the character. DC, outside of Batman, is not about the character. With Batman, you can understand him and you can worry about him but someone like Green Lantern, he has this ring that allows him to create 3D physical manifestations and green plasma with the thoughts in his head but he’s allergic to the colour yellow! How do you make a movie with that? In 1952 that made perfect sense but now the audience have no idea what that’s all about.

People will slam me for this but I think the evidence is there. We’ve seen great directors, great writers and great actors, tonnes of money thrown at them, but these films aren’t working. I think they are all too far away from when they were created. Something feels a little old about them, kids look at these characters and they don’t feel that cool. Even Superman, I love Superman, but he belongs to an America that doesn’t exist anymore. He represents 20th Century America and I think he peaked then.

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