Mariah Carey Not Playing Commissioner Gordon In LEGO Batman Movie


It’s being said that Mariah Carey will be playing Commissioner Gordon in the upcoming LEGO Batman movie.

The info comes from Deadline who is usually right on the money; however, a rival site, THR, is stating Mariah Carey is actually up to voice the Mayor of Gotham City, which seems to make more sense as Gordon is normally Jim Gordon.

LEGO Batman has cast: Alfred (Ralph Fiennes), Batgirl (Rosario Dawson), Robin (Michael Cera) and Joker (Zach Galifianakis), with Will Arnett reprising as the voice of Batman from the 2014 LEGO Movie.

LEGO Batman has a February 10, 2017 release directed by Chris McKay written by Seth Grahame-Smith.

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