Marc Guggenheim Talks Green Lantern & Flash Movies; DC Has Plans For The Question

Marc Guggenheim Talks Green Lantern & Flash Movies; DC Has Plans For The Question

Marc Guggenheim recently attended the Ace Comic Con where he not only discussed no more Deathstroke for Arrow, but also his past involvement with Green Lantern and The Flash movies as well as wanting to work with another DC character that he is presently not allowed to, which hints at the character’s involvement possibly in the DCEU.

Regarding the 2011 Green Lantern movie, of which Marc Guggenheim is credited as a writer, Marc Guggenheim mentions: “I feel sorry for what happened, too. At the end of the day, the thing about Green Lantern is we weren’t the ultimate authors of that. We did several drafts of the script, and then it went on to another writer who did his own pass on it, it gets produced, and it just gets sort of out of our control. So the lesson we took away from it is, if we are going to go down let’s at least go down on our own vision, unadulterated unfiltered through other people’s hands. It is what it is. I always like to say, it’s the very first draft, so it’s not a perfect draft by any means, but the very first draft is out there online. You can find it with a quick Google search.”

Marc Guggenheim also lets it be known that The Flash movie he was one time attached to was going to feature a surprise an appearance by Hal Jordan.

“We had done a Flash screenplay, and Hal Jordan showed up at the end of The Flash,” Guggenheim confirmed.

Marc Guggenheim also revealed that he would like to use The Question on Arrow but that apparently DC has other plans for the character.

“I’m always bringing him up. I just always feel that character would be a really great fit with the tone of Arrow.” Guggenheim said. “That said, again, it’s not our character, it’s DC’s characters, and they got other plans for The Question, which is awesome…  If they didn’t [have plans], I don’t know what their plans are… Clearly they do have plans otherwise we would be using him.”  

Guggenheim further revealed they are just waiting for the right story in regards to using Sgt. Rock on Legends of Tomorrow.

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