Logan Paul tweeted to his 6.8 million followers on X that he wants to play Marvel’s Quasar who in the comics is Wendell Vaughn, the Protector of the Universe, the Cosmic Avenger.
The influencer turned WWE Superstar tweeted a pic of himself along with an image of Quasar from the 1993 Marvel Universe card set.
“Dear @Marvel, please start writing this movie so I can play Quasar in a couple years,” tweeted Logan Paul, which has been retweeted 5.7k times, liked 5.4k times, and has nearly 2k comments.
Dear @Marvel, please start writing this movie so I can play Quasar in a couple years pic.twitter.com/czkgP2mFXy
— Logan Paul (@LoganPaul) February 7, 2016

Who is Wendell Vaughn Quasar?
My intro to Marvel Cosmic
Well, if I can toot my own horn, I actually created this very site in part because of Wendell Vaughn Quasar. I can remember as a kid searching through the shelves of my local comic book shop and spotting Mark Gruenwald’s Quasar #2. It instantly caught my attention with the cool superhero look of Quasar (I love Superman) coupled with the alien background and setting. From then on, I’ve been a Quasar fan ever since. I’ve always thought of Quasar as a combo of Captain America, Superman, The Flash, and Green Lantern (“Ma and Pa Kent” even appear in an issue or two!). It’s known Mark Gruenwald (RIP) was a huge DC fan but loyal to Marvel. Gru wrote the 12-issue Squadron Supreme series, which is a take on DC’s Justice League. Following his death, it’s reported they actually used Mark Gruenwald’s blood in the ink of a Squadron Supreme reprint!

Enter Annihilation
Fast forward to 2005/6 and Marvel Comics killed off Quasar in Annihilation (awesome event). They replaced Quasar with an alien clone space lesbian where they had to change everything about Quasar to get the new version to fit. Sound familiar? Well, I got together with like-minded fans at the Quasar fan site, QuantumZone.org, and we petitioned Marvel to bring back Wendell Vaughn as Quasar. We sent the Marvel Comics offices the legendary Quasar cake (pictured below), we sent them real signatures on real petitions, fan art, t-shirts (I still have mine), and more. At the time, I had created the “Bring Back Wendell Vaughn as Quasar” website and e-mail newsletter. Well, wouldn’t you know? Marvel Comics editor Bill Rosemann subscribed.

Rabid cosmic fans
Rosemann took over from Andy Schmidt following Annihilation. His job was to oversee Marvel Cosmic with Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning at the helm. They did the Nova 2007 series, Annihilation: Conquest, the 2008 Guardians of the Galaxy series that inspired the James Gunn MCU movies, and lots more. So at the time, Marvel Comics didn’t give a hoot about Marvel Cosmic. So I decided to create a website to promote “cosmic comic book news.” Cosmic Book News was born. Rosemann coined us the “rabid” cosmic fans. He sent us exclusive previews to post, we did exclusive interviews with the creative teams, we sent them our reviews, we were featured in Marvel Comics solicits, our reviews were featured as blurbs on covers. We even sent Marvel Comics notes on Nova at Marvel’s request. Rosemann even credited the fans on Marvel.com with getting the MCU movie made. Without the fans, Gunn’s Guardians wouldn’t exist.

Saw it coming years before anyone
Getting back to Quasar, Bill Rosemann ended up bringing back Wendell Vaughn as Quasar. Fans didn’t like the “politically correct” replacement, Phyla-Vell. Following killing off and replacing Quasar with a “politically correct” version, Marvel did it again with Captain Marvel who had returned in Secret Invasion. However, the Mar-Vell storyline had reportedly been buried in favor of having Carol Danvers as the new Captain Marvel. Yes, I was the first and saw the “woke mind virus” before anyone, years before “woke” was even a thing. I’ve been battling the good fight ever since.

The Cosmic Avenger
In Gru’s sixty issue run of Quasar and his appearances in Gru’s Avengers, it’s actually a unique take on being a superhero. Wendell Vaughn is arguably one of the most-powerful characters in the entire Marvel Universe (fun fact: Greg Capullo redesigned Quasar’s costume!), but he has always been plagued by a bit of self doubt (which you can argue enables him to be one of the most-powerful characters in the entire Marvel Universe as he’s not a “Punisher” or “Wolverine!). He’s also very respectful and often times addresses villains as “sir” (lol). His self-doubt is something I never liked about Quasar, and I can even remember writing a letter when I was a kid to Gruenwald telling him so. However, as it is a part of Quasar, I don’t think it should necessarily define him — it should be a part of his journey. So when Quasar first appeared in Annihilation, I was blown away! He’s side by side Nova kicking ass! And the art looked awesome (that Annihilation: Nova #3 cover is my favorite, by far). Then they killed off Quasar right when he was just getting super cool! WTF! Well, again, they brought Quasar back, and he even headlined the Realm of Kings one shot. However, it was at the tail end of the cancellation of Marvel Cosmic (that’s another long story), and Abnett and Lanning returned Quasar to his doubting self (I hated that, lol). Guess what would happen years later? Marvel Comics would replace Quasar AGAIN with another female version. This was during the Marvel NOW! garbage that has destroyed the comics and now the MCU (how’d it work out for The Marvels? Captain America: Brave New World???).
He was my pick years ago for Wendell Vaughn Quasar. Saw him in the Shannara series. pic.twitter.com/Pz0RHrDvOJ
— Cosmic Book News (@cosmicbooknews) February 21, 2025
Who should play Quasar?
Regarding my thoughts on Logan Paul as Quasar? My first choice is actually Austin Butler (Quasar’s middle name is even Elvis!). Interestingly enough, a recent rumor said Marvel was eyeing actors like Austin Butler for the role of Richard Rider Nova. Nah, Austin Butler is 100% Quasar. He looks just like him and has the humble demeanor of Wendell Vaughn. Logan Paul I could see playing Nova.
I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t complain if Logan Paul played Quasar, though. The comments to his tweet are pretty funny but there is no doubt Logan Paul can get reactions and has as audience. 6 million people were just introduced to Quasar! If he does end up playing Quasar, maybe in an adaptation of Annihilation? Or how about adapting the first 25 or so issues of Quasar which includes the stellar and vastly underrated Cosmos In Collision event (#19-25)?! I hope Logan Paul makes sure they don’t fk him over with anything woke (like a bait-and-switch). The message is loud and clear, fans don’t want replacement characters! I also hope they only initially touch upon the self doubt from the comics but lean more into Quasar becoming a full fledged and deserving superhero. I’ve always wanted to see Wendell kick some ass!

Those aren’t the Quantum-Bands
Regarding the MCU, they f’d up in The Marvels. Those aren’t the Quantum-Bands, they’re the Nega Bands. In the comics, the Nega Bands originally belonged to the real Captain Marvel which enabled him to switch places with Rick Jones. Wendell Vaughn has the Quantum-Bands, which are quite different. In order to wear them, you have to pass a test and be considered worthy (but not worthy like Thor!). And if you are deemed unworthy? You’re wiped from existence.
There’s a lot they can do with Quasar in the MCU. Nova, too. They need creators that care for the comics and characters, similar to how the MCU got its start with Favreau, Whedon, the Russos, and a lesser extent, Gunn. Following Endgame, Marvel actually told their creators not to read comics and hired people who didn’t read comics and who didn’t have a clue! How’d it work out???