Locke & Key TV Series Still A Possibility Says Joe Hill


It’s learned a potential TV series adaptation for Joe Hill’s Locke & Key comic book is still a possibility.

BrokeHorrorFan.com caught up with Stephen King’s son at a signing over this past weekend where Hill let it be known the planned movie that was announced at the 2014 San Diego Comic-Con is no longer happening, but Hill did offer Locke & Key might see the light of day on TV.

Locke  & Key was close to becoming a TV series as a pilot was filmed and aired for Comic-Con fans back in 2011, but various studios ended up passing on the project.

Joe Hill now says with IDW Publishing having their own TV divsion, that Locke & Key may ultimately end up on TV.

The USA network recently picked up IDW’s Brooklyn Animal Control, which has David Goyer involved, and SyFy has is adapting the Wynonna Earp IDW series for TV. 

Here is the description from Amazon for the Vol 1 of Locke & Key:

Novelist Hill, author of Heart-Shaped Box, crafts a gripping account of the shattered Locke family’s attempt to rebuild after the father/husband is murdered by a deranged high school student and the family subsequently moving in with the deceased father’s brother at the family homestead in Maine. But as anyone who has read horror fiction in the past 70-odd years will tell you, it’s a bad idea to try to leave behind the gruesome goings-on in your life by moving to an island named Lovecraft. What begins as a study in coping with grief soon veers into creepy territory as the youngest Locke discovers a doorway with decidedly spectral qualities, along with a well that houses someone or something that desperately wants out and will use any means available to gain freedom, including summoning the teenage murderer who set events in motion in the first place. To say more would give away many of the surprises the creative team provides, but this first of hopefully several volumes delivers on all counts, boasting a solid story bolstered by exceptional work from Chilean artist Rodriguez (Clive Barker’s The Great and Secret Show) that resembles a fusion of Rick Geary and Cully Hamner with just a dash of Frank Quitely. (Oct.) 

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