Linda Hamilton Returning For New Terminator

New terminator linda hamilton

Linda Hamilton is back for the new Terminator movie!

Recently it was announced that Deadpool director Tim Miller will be directing a new Terminator movie with both James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger on board.

Now THR reports the band is getting back together as Linda Hamilton is added to the mix..

It’s noted James Cameron made the announcement at a private event:  “As meaningful as she was to gender and action stars everywhere back then, it’s going to make a huge statement to have that seasoned warrior that she’s become return. There are 50-year-old, 60-year-old guys out there killing bad guys,” Cameron said, referring to aging male actors still appearing in movie, “but there isn’t an example of that for women.”

It’s further said the new Terminator is a sequel to Terminator 2 Judgement Day, and that plans are underway for a new Terminator trilogy. The new Terminator movie will once again deal with themes of the potential evils of technology.

James Cameron and Tim Miller have created a Terminator writers room to help the new trilogy come to light, which includes Batman Dark Knight, Batman vs. Superman and Man of Steel writer David S. Goyer, Charles Eglee (Dark Angel), Josh Friedman (Terminator TV spinoff series, The Sarah Connor Chronicles), and Justin Rhodes, a frequent Goyer collaborator..

James Cameron also said the new Terminator movie will also be seen as a passing of the baton to a new generation of characters.

“We’re starting a search for an 18-something woman to be the new centerpiece of the new story,” Cameron said. “We still fold time. We will have characters from the future and the present. There will be mostly new characters, but we’ll have Arnold and Linda’s characters to anchor it.”

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