Lego Batman Movie: The Batman We Don’t Want Or Need


The LEGO Batman Movie is currently putting up numbers faster than the kiddies can build bricks as it stands at a whopping $179.4 million worldwide. The film is a spinoff of the popular 2014 The LEGO Movie featuring the return of Will Arnett as the voice of the brick-sized Dark Knight.

While The LEGO Movie was rather enjoyable, it's sad to say that LEGO Batman is the Batman we don't want and definitely don't need as the movie is written as a liberal swan song to Hillary Clinton if she had won the election, as I'm guessing the script was written a year or two ago when Clinton was (falsely) projected as the winner of the election.

The theme of the Lego Batman movie is straight out of Hillary Clinton's book, "It Takes A Village," with the title specifically stated numerous times in the movie. Batman is pictured as a villain when he wants to do things himself: He's selfish and manipulative, and it's only when he works with "the village" that he is considered a hero. It should be noted that "the village" is not only made up of his "adoptive" family (which is alright in itself), but "the village" is made up of the people of Gotham City AND its VILLAINS. The message is clear in The LEGO Batman Movie in that it's alright to be a part of a large group of questionable individuals – no matter who makes up the group – as long as the end justifies the means. 

The LEGO Batman Movie also goes the PC route by basically making Joker and Robin homosexual. Now before your PC-alarm bells start going off, I have relatives and friends that are gay, so I'm definitely not a hate-monger. What I'm getting at is that they should have used new characters if they wanted to change them. Note: It isn't specifically said Joker and Robin are gay in the film, but it's obviously implied. I've been arguing about the PC replacement of comic books characters for literally years, which is to create new characters instead of changing existing ones, i.e. you wouldn't want a "white" Luke Cage or Black Panther, so why is it alright to change another character? It's not.  

I also thought The LEGO Batman Movie needed to slow down a bit as it was non-stop from the get-go. It was hard to keep up with everything, which included not only the visuals, but also the jokes and references (which there are a ton of). Perhaps this is a smart way to get people to see the movie more than once – or would even make for a great Blu-Ray viewing – but they should have capped the sarcasm.

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