Korg Teased For Thor: Ragnarok


Could we see Korg and the Warbound in Thor: Ragnarok?

If director Taika Waititi’s latest Instagram post is anything to go by, the Kronan behemoth will be joining Thor: Ragnarok.

“Watch this space…” Taika Waititi teased which includes an image of a Korg electronic piano.

As fans of Marvel know, Thor: Ragnarok will be somewhat based on the awesome Greg Pak Marvel Comics storyline “Planet Hulk.” While the comic didn’t feature Thor, “Planet Hulk” saw the Green Goliath become friends with Korg while fighting in the gladiator arena.  A group of the gladiators swore an allegiance to each other and became “Warbound.” We actually saw a member of the Kronan race in Thor: The Dark World, which saw Thor use Mjolnir to smash the alien rock creature to bits (watch below) — let’s hope it wasn’t a relative of Korg! It would be pretty awesome to see the rest of the Warbound in Thor: Ragnarok as well (Miek!).

Regarding how Thor will be used in Planet Hulk for the movie, we can guess that Jeff Goldblum is the one running the gladiator games as the Grandmaster (Secret Wars nod) and forcibly recruits both Hulk and Thor. How all this plays out should be rather good as there presently are all kinds of rumors ranging from either Thor or the Hulk’s death, to Thor shaving his head, to Mjolnir getting destroyed, and even Doctor Strange looks to appear in the movie. I think what is going to make Thor 3 especially good is that, similar to the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, it’s going to be set away from the confines of Avengers and the Earth enabling it lots of breathing room and a fresh story. I also wonder if we’ll eventually get some sort of World War Hulk adaptation, which was the comic book follow up to Planet Hulk that saw one pissed off Hulk return to get revenge on the heroes. World War Hulk basically just crushes everyone in his path, and it’s just awesome. 

If you are wondering why Marvel Studios isn’t doing up a straight up adaptation of the Planet Hulk comic into a movie, it’s because Universal Studios actually owns the distribution rights to any Hulk solo film, and this is why no new Hulk movie has been released since Disney bought Marvel. So Marvel Studios can get around that by making Thor the main character (and title) while borrowing heavily from Planet Hulk. 

“Thor: Raganarok” has a November 3, 2017 release directed by Taika Waititi starring Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Mark Ruffalo as Hulk/Banner, Tom Hiddleston as Loki, Idris Elba as Heimdall, Cate Blanchett as Hela, Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie, Jeff Goldblum as Grandmaster,  Anthony Hopkins as Odin and Sam Neill in an unknown role. 

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