Kevin Smith Sells Out: He-Man Now She-Man?


Has Kevin Smith gone to the Dark Side as his Netflix He-Man series has instead become a “She-Man” series?

It’s reported that the new animated Masters of the Universe: Revelation series (note: not titled “He-Man”) set to debut on Netflix will focus on Teela, who in lore is the Captain of the Royal Guard and the adoptive daughter of Man-At-Arms.

It’s said that while He-Man will be around, he won’t be the main protagonist of the series, instead, the show will focus on Teela.

There was actually a rumor back in March about how Teela and her girlfriend would take over “He-Man” hero duties.

The rumor offered that “Teela is a better He-Man than Adam, and he steps aside to let her (and her girlfriend) take over hero duties.”

Kevin Smith He-Man Netflix

However, showrunner Kevin Smith refutes the He-Man rumors

Kevin Smith shot down that rumor in March by tweeting: “As showrunner, I really could’ve used these story suggestions *before* we locked the scripts. However, no – He-Man does no stepping aside and Teela has no girlfriend in our show. The storyline is pretty dark and way metal. Before REVELATION we were calling it END OF THE UNIVERSE.”

A description for the Netflix He-Man series that surfaced at last year’s Power Con seems to refut what Smith tweeted as the show is said to be all about Teela:

“But after a ferocious final battle forever fractures Eternia, it’s up to Teela to solve the mystery of the missing Sword of Power in a race against time to prevent the end of the Universe! Her journey will uncover the secrets of Grayskull at last.”

The description also, perhaps, ironically states:

This is the epic He-Man and the Masters of the Universe saga fans have waited 35 years to see!

It’s further claimed Kevin Smith’s He-Man series will be a sequel series, again while He-Man will certainly be around, the show will focus on Teela.

Sarah Michelle Gellar of Buffy fame happens to be the voice of Teela (the full cast can be found here which includes Mark Hamill). 

Kevin Smith did take to Twitter to shoot down the rumor on Friday:

“I’ve read every @MastersOfficial script for our shows (plus wrote a few) and viewed 4 amazing animatics. While Teela is as present as she’s always been in the MotU adventures and she plays a big role, our series is LITERALLY all about He-Man.

Masters of the Universe: Revelation poster:

Masters of the Universe Revelation Netflix He-Man Kevin Smith

(via The Quartering YouTube)


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