Justice League vs. Avengers Possible

Jason Aaron & Scott Snyder Want Justice League vs. Avengers Crossover

Marvel Comics recently announced their “Fresh Start” to comics with a new Avengers #1 from writer Jason Aaron.

Over at DC Comics, Batman writer Scott Snyder is set to tackle Justice League.

So with both companies getting ready to put out new titles and creative teams, how about a Justice League vs. Avengers crossover?

While it has been a number of years since we’ve seen DC vs. Marvel, Jason Aaron actually put out the idea on Twitter which saw Scott Snyder agreeing with.

“Crazy excited for Jason Aaron on Avengers – going to be epic,” Snyder tweeted.

Aaron replied, “Cheers, Scott. Maybe we need to work up a new Justice League vs. Avengers crossover.”

“I would do that with you anytime brother! Huge congrats and good seeing this weekend,” Snyder tweeted back.

Now it looks to be up to Marvel and DC brass.

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