Justice League Revealed For DC NYCC Booth

DC Comics Justice League NYCC 2017

A first look at the DC Comics NYCC booth (#1915) has hit the net where we see the Justice League poster on display.

The DC booth will also feature the Justice League movie costumes, and nearby will feature a Justice League VR experience as part of their “Age of Heroes” promotion.

Here are the Justice League relevant details (full announcement here): 

The DC booth will have everything the superhero fan needs to make their convention experience complete; guaranteed to have fans’ cell phone cameras flashing and social media feeds updating all weekend long, the costumes of Wonder Woman, Batman, Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg from the Warner Bros. Pictures film Justice League will be on display.

Nearby in the hall’s Crystal Palace, attendees will find an in-depth sneak peek of the HTC Vive version of the Justice League VR: Join the League – New York Comic Con Edition, a film-themed virtual reality experience.  Users will be able to use the HTC Vive’s controllers for an enhanced version of the Super Hero simulations.

New products spotlighting the Justice League film…

NYCC runs October 5-8.

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