Justice League: J.K Simmons Commissioner Gordon Will Be Bad Ass


J.K Simmons has been cast as the new Commissioner Gordon for the DCEU Justice League universe.

EW caught up with Simmons noting his Gordon is an “ally” to Batman, with Simmons offering filming Justice League has “been a fun experience, and knock wood, if it continues, then I’ll hopefully get to play Commissioner Gordon in a handful of movies.”

Regarding what type of Commissioner Gordon we’ll see in Justice League, J.K. Simmons offers he’s going to be more bad a– than previous incarnations (speaking of bad ass, check out how jacked Simmons got for the role here).

“People of my generation remember Commissioner Gordon as this jolly, ineffectual Santa Claus type, and I think over the years in the comics there’s definitely much more of a badass side to him,” Simmons explained. “One of the things that’s interesting to me is investigating hopefully a little bit more of that badass [side]…You’re living in a universe where it’s pretty tough to be a badass compared to somebody like Batman, but in the universe of non-superheroes I like the idea of Commissioner Gordon as a guy that can take care of himself, a guy that’s a real partner to Batman, not just a guy that turns on the bat signal and goes, ‘Help! Help, Batman!’”

Simmons also previously talked about doing his homework for the role.

“I’m just planning on learning as much as I can about him through the comics and getting my feet wet in the first movie, and then hopefully continuing on from there,” Simmons said. “I’m sure there will be differences and similarities with what Gary Oldman or Pat Hingle have done before, but I’m just going to try to do my take on it and be as informed as I can about the rich history of the Batman universe, going into it.”

J.K Simmons continues with mention about how strong his Gordon is in the DCEU.

“My understanding, from what I’ve learned so far about Commissioner Gordon, is that he’s the older guy with the mustache who relates with our hero in a certain way,” he said. “Other than that, it’s a vastly different character and much more of a stronger, impactful character in the DC universe.”

“Justice League” has a November 17, 2017 release directed by Zack Snyder starring Ben Affleck as Batman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, Ezra Miller as The Flash, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Gordon and Willem Dafoe in an unknown role.

(pictured above: Fan art via Salman Artworks on instagram)

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