Justice League #39 Last Page Spoiler


Check out the last page spoiler for this week’s Justice League #39.

We see Hal Jordan is back!

Hal Jordan left the Justice League to lead the Green Lantern Corps where a new GL, Power Ring, took his place; however it was revealed Jessica Cruz actually had a ring from another dimension, which was based on Fear. Eventually, both Flash and Hal help Power Ring out with her powers.

Now Hal Jordan is back just in time to deal with the Darkseid vs. Anti-Monitor war that kicks off in the next issue of Justice League, #40.

It’s also been teased that following Convergence, Hal won’t have his Green Lantern ring.

Justice League #40, the prologue to “The Darkseid War,” hits March 18th.

The prologue to this summer’s upcoming JUSTICE LEAGUE event – “THE DARKSEID WAR”! It’s been building since JUSTICE LEAGUE #1. Now, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg and the rest of the DC Universe will come face to face with the two most powerful and dangerous entities in existence when both come for Earth. But why? To what lengths with the League have to go to survive? And what secrets about the League will be revealed?

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