Joss Whedon Still Directing Batgirl & Working On Script

Joss Whedon Still Directing Batgirl & Working On Script

Following the questionable box office and reception for Justice League, a rumor hit the net earlier today stating that Joss Whedon has been dumped from his Batgirl project.

However, it’s fake news as reached out to sources close to WB who state that Joss Whedon is still attached to direct the Batgirl movie and is currently working on the script.

Of course it’s entirely possible things could change as currently WB only has Aquaman and Shazam! confirmed in development next for the DCEU.

In addition to Batgirl, projects said to be in the works include Wonder Woman 2, Justice League sequels, Matt Reeves’ Batman movie, FlashpointSuicide Squad 2, a Joker and Harley Quinn movie, Gotham City Sirens, a Dwayne Johnson Black Adam movie, Man of Steel 2, Cyborg, and a Green Lantern Corps movie with David S. Goyer involved.

Details for Joss Whedon’s Batgirl, which has no release date, include that Whedon isn’t necessarily looking for a big-name actress, and that it will follow Barbara Gordon in a harder-edged storyline similar to the Gail Simone DC Comics comic books. 

Most recently saw Dredd‘s Olivia Thirlby rumored for the role of Batgirl.

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