Josh Brolin Teases More DCU Talks With Darkseid Fan Art

Josh Brolin Teases More DCU Talks With Darkseid Fan Art

Josh Brolin might still be in talks to join James Gunn’s DCU as the actor seemingly teases something on social media involving Darkseid fan art.

Brolin was originally said to be in talks to play Green Lantern Hal Jordan in the Lanterns TV series, a part that went to Kyle Chandler.

Boss Logic whipped up some Darkseid fan art and posted on their social media, “The rumour whispers going around is that @joshbrolin is still in talks for something big in the DCU, Josh and DC have the biggest opportunity to do the funniest thing……”

Brolin of course played Thanos in the MCU; so Boss Logic is referencing the “funniest thing” with Brolin also playing Darkseid. It’s known that the creator of Thanos, Jim Starlin, was inspired by Darkseid to create Thanos.

josh brolin dcu darkseid

So Josh Brolin caught wind of the fan art and the claims by Brolin that he is still in talks for the DCU and posted is on his own Instagram Story. Brolin, however, didn’t comment, but it seems to be a confirmation that possibly DCU talks are still happening.

Rumors also offer Brolin might return in Avengers: Secret Wars, possibly playing the King Thanos variant of the Great Titan. Brolin has already played four comic book characters with Thanos, Cable, Jonah Hex, and Dwight (Sin City), so why not make it a fifth? I don’t think anyone would complain.

If Josh Brolin isn’t playing Darkseid in Gunn’s DCU, who could he play? Let us know in the comments below.

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