Jon Favreau Executive Producing Avengers: Infinity War Movies


It’s learned Jon Favreau is continuing his work with Marvel for The Avengers: Infinity War movies.

Favreau confirmed the news to Digital Spy.

“I’m going to be executive producing the Avengers films with the Russo brothers, which I’m very excited about,” Favreau offered. “I talk to them about it all the time. I’ve worked both in front of and behind the camera with Marvel, and I really love what they’re doing right now. It’s a really exciting time to be over there. I’ve seen a rough cut of  Civil War  and it’s fantastic.  Favreau directed and  Iron Man II  for Marvel and also served as executive producer on Iron Man 3, The Avengers and The Avengers: Age of Ultron.”

Jon Favreau recently directed The Jungle Book, which opened #1 at $103 million in the U.S. and currently sits at over $300 million worldwide. Favreau is also on board the sequel.

The Avengers: Infinity War opens May 4, 2018, with Part 2 on May 3, 2019.

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