Jon Berg Shoots Down DCEU Batman Movie Rumors


Last week saw a rumor hit the net that WB is planning on releasing four Batman movies in 2019 for the character’s 80th Anniversary.

While confirmed in development are movies for Batman, Gotham City Sirens, Nightwing and Batgirl, the rumor came from Reddit and appears to be way off.

The co-runner of the DCEU, Jon Berg, took to Twitter to have some fun with the rumor and tweet at his fellow DCEU co-runner Geoff Johns asking for ten Batman movies.

Obviously the implication is that four Batman movies won’t be released in 2019.

Hey, Jon! I’d be happy with just one!

Matt Reeves is directing the solo Batman movie starring Ben Affleck and also thought to feature Joe Manganiello as Deathstroke, Jeremy Irons as Alfred and J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Gordon.

The Gotham City Sirens movie is being directed by Suicide Squad director David Ayer starring and produced by Margot Robbie, also thought to feature Catwoman and Poison Ivy.

The Nightwing movie is in development with LEGO Batman director Chris McKay eyed to direct.

It was just announced that Joss Whedon is in talks (and likely) to direct a Barbara Gordon Batgirl movie which will also see him produce and write.

Good times ahead for the Bat-family in the DCEU!

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