Exclusive: James Gunn’s Suicide Squad Villain Details


Expanding on my last article how James Gunn will be returning to the DCEU following Guardians of the Galaxy 3, I now have a cool tidbit on the villain in The Suicide Squad.

Long story short following what went down last Summer during Comic-Con, James Gunn signed on with WB for a new DC movie. I’m told that Gunn really wanted to do Shazam!, but that didn’t happen, so Gunn went with Suicide Squad, which will be a soft reboot.

According to what I have been told, The Suicide Squad will be told from the perspective of the villain and/or will be a “villain” movie. Now I don’t have the name of the villain, but my understanding is that the flick will be “awesome” and “bad a–” and something that not only DC fans will love, but Marvel and all the fans as well.

Suicide Squad

James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad Will Be A Villain Movie 

While my sources at Comic-Con didn’t go into specifics (it was a quick chat), recall that the Russo brothers told the story of Infinity War from the perspective of Thanos (presently my favorite comic book movie). Thanos thought what he was doing was right in his quest for the Infinity Stones and destruction of half the universe, so something similar, obviously on possibly a more grounded scale, could be going on with Gunn’s Suicide Squad

I’m told WB is really happy with James Gunn and The Suicide Squad, that WB “loves” Gunn, and also, as I recently posted, that the plan is for James Gunn to continue to be involved with the DCEU after he finishes Guardians of the Galaxy 3 for Marvel. 

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