James Gunn Doesn’t Deny Sylvester Stallone Guardians of the Galaxy 2 Rumor


The past week or so has seen rumors hit the net regarding Sylvester Stallone being involved with Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

The first rumor stated Sly was going cosmic when he allegedly was spotted at the same Atlanta hotel the cast of GOTG 2 is staying at, and it was also said Stallone was seen with the script and used the same car as Chris Pratt.

Following that, a second rumor hit the net suggesting Sylvester Stallone is playing a member of the Nova Corps, as it’s said he was spotted wearing what resembles a Judge Dredd costume.

We know James Gunn is big on social media and loves to read all about his Guardians of the Galaxy movie (ha ha). A few days ago saw Gunn comment on rumors surrounding the film. Though he made no mention of Stallone – Gunn says he isn’t commenting on rumors anymore – he neither denies nor confirms the rumor, but does offer a cryptic response via Facebook.

Sometimes rumors around ‪#‎GotGVol2‬ turn up that are batshit crazy. Other times rumors turn up that are batshit crazy AND untrue. Unfortunately, you’ll just have to wait a while to find out which ones are which. I’m done spoiling the fun.

Back to shooting a scene with Man-Thing and Chris Pratt.*

*All right, that one’s untrue. For now…

The post also saw Gunn answer a few fan questions:

Better to debunk rumours or to have fun with them?

As I announced a couple months ago, I will ignore all of them.

Hey James what would be the likelyhood of a symbiote showing up in a future Guardians/cosmic Marvel film?

As of now very unlikely.

Hey Mr Gunn when you saw Civil War did you offer any suggestions/improvements? Or was the movie done the best it could already?

I offered suggestions, but mostly just told them what I thought worked and the (very little) that didn’t work.

If asked would you ever direct a episode of The Walking Dead

Nope. There’s no current TV show I’d direct.

Are any of these rumours ever started by yourself or the cast?!


“Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” has a May 5, 2017 release starring Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Karen Gillan, Bradley Cooper, Vin Diesel, Michael Rooker and Sean Gunn. New cast members include Pom Klementieff, Elizabeth Debicki, Chris Sullivan and Kurt Russell.

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