James Gunn Approves Of Ant-Man


Not only has James Gunn confirmed the title to Guardians of the Galaxy 2, but Gunn also approves of Marvel’s latest movie, Ant-Man.

Gunn posted the following about Ant-Man on Facebook.

Ant-Man may just be my favorite Marvel film since Jon Favreau’s Iron Man(well, maybe excluding one film to which I’m partial). Honestly, the movie is a complete blast! I was so happy after seeing it. It’s never boring for a second and it’s hilarious and warm throughout. It doesn’t get caught up in the webbing of its own science-fiction concept like so many movies do these days, remaining simple and elegant. It’s a part of the Marvel universe without being ruled by that fact. Paul Rudd is nuanced and charming and funny and is a surprisingly natural fit as a modern superhero (side-fact – Paul must be a nice guy, because he and I dated the same girl in college, and yet I still love him). Michael Peña KILLS IT – this movie is going to make him a huge star. My old pal Judy Greer (she was Deadly Girl to my Minute Man in The Specials (film) many moons ago) is great in a small role. And Michael Douglas is awesome. I think all of Peyton Reed’s years directing have led him to making something as deft and nimble and joyous as this; he did an incredible job. And, despite Edgar Wright’s parting from Marvel, his spirit is felt through the entire project, and there is no doubt everyone owes him a huge debt of gratitude. I left the theater incredibly happy. So often I see movies by people I love which are just okay – it’s great to love a movie as much as I love the people who made it.

This is a photo of me and David Dastmalchian at the premiere after-party last night – David plays a Russian hacker in the movie and nearly every single line out of his mouth gets a laugh. He’s getting on a plane this morning to fly back to Colombia to resume filming his other movie – my movie, The Belko Experiment.

Congrats to the the whole Ant-Man team. Amazing work, guys! And, for the 99.99% of the people reading this who aren’t part of the Ant-Man team, go check it out when it hits theaters (in a lot of places) July 17.

Have a great Tuesday.


Ant-Man may just be my favorite Marvel film since Jon Favreau’s Iron Man (well, maybe excluding one film to which I’m…

Posted by James Gunn on Tuesday, June 30, 2015

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