James Gunn Addresses DC Fans: Still No Dwayne Johnson or ‘Black Adam’ Mention

James Gunn Addresses DC Fans: Still No Dwayne Johnson or 'Black Adam' Mention

On Sunday, James Gunn addressed DC fans; however, he still hasn’t mentioned Black Adam which is actually out in theaters.

Rumors offer James Gunn and Dwayne Johnson are butting heads over the direction of the DCU.

Johnson also hasn’t offered any sort of congratulations for Gunn’s new position.

Interestingly enough, Gunn retweeted a Shazam! tweet by Zachary Levi where the co-head of the DCU, Peter Safran, is a producer.

james gunn shazam

Dwayne Johnson not too keen on the Shazam

It’s been said Johnson isn’t too keen on the Shazam! movies as he intentionally kept Black Adam away from the character and films.

In a recent report by The Wrap, the site says: “Safran needs to win over all the other filmmakers… and Dwayne Johnson’s thinly veiled disdain for Shazam means he probably isn’t loving the idea that his boss is now the guy that produces Shazam.”

It’s known that Johnson requested that Black Adam not debut in a movie with Shazam, and it’s said producers Dany and Hiram Garcia, along with Johnson, asked the studio to keep the characters separate.

It’s the same team responsible for bringing back Henry Cavill as Superman.

While Gunn also hasn’t said anything about the return of Henry Cavill as Superman, Cavill did fill in IGN he looks forward to meeting him.

“I have not met James yet. I’m looking very forward to meeting him,” Cavill said. “He’s clearly a very, very talented man, and I cannot wait to sit down and have long, long conversations with him. I’m very excited about him being there and very excited about any future opportunities we can work together.”

Legends of Tomorrow Beebo
‘Legends of Tomorrow’ Beebo

James Gunn mentions the Ayer Cut and Legends of Tomorrow

Regarding what James Gunn had to say, he mentioned the Ayer Cut of the first Suicide Squad movie which is gaining steam for a possible release.

Gunn also mentioned Legends of Tomorrow which has been canceled at The CW along with basically all the DC shows.

Ironically, Legends of Tomorrow went down the tubes when it switched from a cool science-fiction show to something goofy like James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy movies.

Who knows? Maybe Gunn likes Legends and will revive it somewhere.

“Opened up Twitter at the end of a long, creative weekend to see the many tweets to #SaveLegendsofTomorrow & #ReleaseTheAyerCut & fan support for other DC projects over the years. The majority of these requests were enthusiastic & respectful,” tweeted Gunn.

David Ayer took note and responded, “Beautifully said James. DC is lucky to have you.”

Gunn replied with a big red heart emoji.

James Gunn ayer cut tweet

Gunn continued, “As the new (& first ever) CEOs of DC Studios, Peter & I think it’s important we acknowledge you, the fans, & let you know we hear your different desires for the pathways forward for DC.”

Gunn added, “Although our ability to interact on Twitter has been lessened due to the workload of our new positions, we are listening & open to everything as we embark on this journey, & will continue to do so for the next few years.”

“But all our initial focus is on the story going forward, hammering out the new DCU, & telling the Biggest Story Ever Told across multiple films, television shows, & animated projects,” tweeted Gunn.

“We invite all of the DC fandoms from across the multiverse — and everyone else as well — into this new universe. We can’t wait to reveal more,” said Gunn.

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