Jaimie Alexander Teases Return As Sif For Thor: Ragnarok


jaimie alexander thor 3

Earlier yesterday saw Marvel Studios officially announced the cast of Thor: Ragnarok, but noticeably absent was mention of fan-favorite actress Jaimie Alexander who plays Sif.

No worries, though, as Jaimie Alexander has taken to Twitter to calm fan fears.

“Whoa! WTF?!! they just announced the cast for Thor 3 and NO SIF?!!! Sadness overload!” one fan tweeted to Alexander.

“Don’t worry,” Alexander replied with an added wink.

It’s possible that due to Jaimie Alexander’s new TV series, Blindspot, that her Thor 3 deal may still be getting worked out or that she may simply cameo.

Likewise, director Taika Waitit joked on Twitter a few days ago about Alexander in Thor 3: “So… 2 minutes this time? Just jokes guys, she’s awesome. However I can’t confirm anyone or anything.”

Thor: Ragnarok hits November 3, 2017 starring Chris Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo.

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