The first two episodes of Marvel’s Inhumans debuted on IMAX and had a pretty low Rotten Tomatoes score amongst the audience with about 55% of the audience stating they liked it.
Not too many critics reviews were posted for the Inhumans IMAX screening, but now critic reviews are starting to trickle in for the TV series and tomorrow’s premiere.
Marvel’s Inhumans has a current Rotten Tomatoes score of 4%.
You read that right, only 4%–as 23 total reviews are accounted for with 22 “Rotten” to only 1 “Fresh.”
The Rotten Tomatoes score for Inhumans is currently the lowest of any Marvel property and lower than Iron Fist‘s 17%, which also had Scott Buck as showrunner.
The audience rating is now a bit lower as well, coming in at 53% of the audience stating they liked Inhumans. For comparison, 77% of the audience stated they liked Iron Fist.
There has also been question regarding the future of Inhumans and whether or not it’s a one-and done. Buck actually told Collider he doesn’t know if there will be a second season, but at least says they have it mapped out for three.
We have ideas. We know our starting point for Season 2, but we don’t know if there will be a Season 2. Hopefully, there will be a Season 2. If so, we know where we’re gonna start, and we’ll very gratefully gear up and get to work.
We generally know where the first three seasons could go. What’s fun about the show is that it will basically always be a show about family, so there’s always going to be places to take these characters.
Marvel’s Inhumans premieres tomorrow night at 8pm ET on ABC.