In addition to hoping fans come through with a Young Avengers petition, Iman Vellani says she hopes the Marvel fandom improves.
Typically what happens when a project fails is the fans will be blamed instead of where the real blame lies: with the studios, the creators, the actors, the producers, etc.
So with The Marvels failing at the box office, the blame game is now being played. Worth noting is that something like 75% of the fans that went to see the first Captain Marvel movie didn’t return for The Marvels. Yeah, it’s their fault. We can also add that Iman Vellani wasn’t even a fan of the first Captain Marvel when she reviewed it and gave it two stars before she was cast as Kamala Khan.
I’ll also add it doesn’t help when Marvel cancels your favorite characters and replaces them with agenda-driven wannabees that continuously fail time and time again, yet your favorite characters that are proven successes are left high and dry.

“Improvement within the fandom”
Anyway… Speaking with Slash Film, the interviewer sets up Iman Vellani in order to get her response to the “fandom.” They ask, “Is there an aspect of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that maybe you think needs improvement right now? Obviously, fans have all sorts of opinions, and so I’m wondering what you think about that?”
Before she dives into what she thinks of the fans, Vellani first says Marvel is aware of when they have problems and fixes things, just that it takes time.
She continues, “I would like to see improvement within the fandom. I think people need to be a little more positive,” she says. “These fandoms, the whole point of them is so that people who are passionate about these nerdy things, they can talk about it without being judged and can share their excitement with the only other people in the entire world who will reciprocate.”
Vellani adds, “So, it would just be like Marvel, they’re growing and they’re adjusting to the times, they’re listening and responding to the fans’ criticisms and feedback. So I think people just need to be a little patient, and let them cook. I think keep the fandom positive in the meantime, share what you are enjoying.”

“Don’t force-feed doom postings”
Iman Vellani also addresses “doom postings.”
“Don’t force-feed doom postings to everyone, because it’s a lot to handle. Already the world is so going through a lot, Hollywood’s going through a lot, Marvel’s going through a lot,” she says. “So it’s just sad when fans throw wet blankets on anyone who’s just trying to share their passion, their excitement, and love for these movies.”
Vellani continues, “At the end of the day, it’s the movies that are made for people to escape real life, not the making of the movies. Who cares about how these movies are made? There’s so many horror stories. Have you even read what happened on Wizard of Oz? Just like, people, live your life, and then when you’re ready for a little break, go see The Marvels.”