Hugh Jackman Says Wolverine Will Be Back; Reynolds Wants Team-Up


Hugh Jackman recently appeared on Sunday TODAY with Willie Geist where the topic of a potential Deadpool and Wolverine team-up movie was discussed.

The interview starts off with Wille Geist letting it be known that Ryan Reynolds said there probably will be no more standalone Deadpool films, with the interview then going into the possibility of Hugh Jackman back as Wolverine teaming up with Deadpool, as Reynolds said he “continues to do to full court press for Hugh Jackman to come back…”

Geist then questions Hugh Jackman, “Have we seen the last of Wolverine?”

Jackman responds, “Oh, Wolverine will be back. Someone is going to play him. I don’t know who.”

Geist asks, “Not you, though?”

Jackman then closes his eyes and nods, “No, but Ryan is relentless. He keeps coming back to me in all these ways, shape and form.”

Hugh Jackman Wolverine Deadpool movie

Hugh Jackman continues with mention (perhaps sarcastically?) that he doesn’t think people want a Deadpool and Wolverine movie.

“I just don’t think the world really wants to see Deadpool with Wolverine. I mean maybe a cameo from Deadpool. I just think everyone’s over it… the Deadpool… I don’t know [smiles],” Jackman says.

Willie Geist offers that Ryan Reynolds’ argument for a Deadpool and Wolverine film is that Reynolds thought it would be a boost to Jackman’s career.

“Oh, really. That’s nice of him,” Jackman says with a smile. “He’s throwing me a bone? Got it. You know that term ‘dag,’ I mentioned? Dag is a goofball. You say goofball in America, right? You would say a goof. You’re such a dag, Ryan.”

Check out a preview of the interview below, with the Hugh Jackman Sunday TODAY with Willie Geist interview airing Sunday, November 25 on NBC.

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