Henry Cavill Teases Justice League Superman Training


Now to be outdone by Aquaman Jason Momoa, now Superman Henry Cavill has taken to Facbook to show off his Justice League training as well.

Henry Cavill posted the following image adding: “1st week of training done. 7 days, 9 workouts and a whole lot of food! #Superman #JusticeLeague #SupermanTraining @gritandteeth.”

On more than one occasion Henry Cavill has suggested his Superman may have to give Jason Momo’s Aquaman a super beat down in Justice League.

Justice League is now filming for its November 17, 2017 release date also starring Ben Affleck as Batma, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Ezra Miller as The Flash, Ray Fisher as Cyborg and J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Gordon.

henry cavill justice league training

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