Henry Cavill Highlander Using Queen Music

Henry Cavill Highlander Using Queen Music

Ask and ye shall receive! I just wrote how it’s a MUST for the Henry Cavill Highlander reboot to use the Queen music, and now it’s learned that is exactly happening.

Following the recent news the flick will have a massive budget, director Chad Stahelski offers a further update.

Henry Cavill in Netlfix's 'The Witcher'
The Witcher

Don’t lose your head

While talking with The Wrap about John Wick 4 potentially getting an Oscar(?!), the site asked Stahelski if the Henry Cavill Highlander reboot will be using the Queen music, which was featured in the original movies starring Christopher Lambert and the Adrian Paul TV series.

“Yes,” confirmed Stahelski. “Probably in a different way than you think, but hardcore yes.”

Queen actually released an entire album based on the Highlander soundtrack with “A Kind of Magic,” which features music played in the original 1986 movie including the album title, and “Who Wants To Live Forever,” “Don’t Lose Your Head,” and of course, the movie and TV series theme music, “Princes of the Universe” (listen below!).

“We’re trying to encapsulate everything you loved about the original with more – meaning we want to ground it, we want it to be a great chance at world-building and mythology. But we still want to keep it fun,” Stahelski said.

witcher henry cavill
The Witcher

Get onboard the amazing journey

Henry Cavill is in great company as Chad Stahelski directed all four John Wick films starring Keanu Reeves.

“It’s like the Wick movies. You want to experience this world, you want to believe it’s real. But it’s also five degrees off from reality. This is a movie with immortals running around chopping each others’ heads off,” he explained. “There’s a certain ridiculousness to it. It’s like the Wicks.”

Stahelski added, “We ride the tone. Everybody in the movie thinks it’s real. But we as an audience can get our heads around it – look, suspend disbelief. We’re trying to get you on board for this amazing journey with people who have lived hundreds of years. It’s a challenge. But I’m very excited.”

The new Highlander is eyeing to start production next year.

There can be only one!

Have a listen:

Queen Princes of the Universe (Highlander Tribute)

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