Review: Hack/Slash #1



Writer:   Tim Seely

Artist:   Daniel Leister

Colorist:   Mark Englert


After a couple of miss-steps, I am happy to say that Hack/Slash is back in fine form with issue #1 of a new series.

Have I ever said how much I love this comic?  Yeah – sure I have – but it’s worth saying again.  I’m not even a horror fan per se, but Seely has made me eagerly look forward to each new issue of this series.

This is a great jumping on point for new readers as Seely has helpfully included a character guide at the beginning of this issue.  A quick read will get you right up to speed so you can enjoy the book beginning on page one.

Seely’s story is captivating and his characterization is spot on.  Everyone is concerned about Cassie’s state of mind as she copes with the loss of her lover, Georgia.  The fan favorite scene stealing demon “dog” called “Pooch” has a couple of great lines in this issue as he serves as an observer to Cassie’s behavior.  Lumbering sidekick, Vlad, is at his dour best – and Cassie’s support team is also given moments to shine.  Another thread involving teen detective Cat Curio’s blood feud with Samhain is also developed – and it appears that it will tie in to Cassie’s current adventure involving the re-appearance of a certain acid-blooded villain.


Leister’s art and Englert’s colors bring this sexy, brutally violent story to vibrant life.  Check out the cover art!  I don’t even need to comment – it speaks for itself.

I understand that a movie version is under development and I can’t wait to see it come to the big screen.  Climb aboard this roller coaster ride of brutal sexy fun.  You’ll like this series even if you’re not particularly a horror fan.

Comic Rating:  4 Stars.

CILF Rating:  10.

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