Guardians of the Galaxy 3: James Gunn Script Will Be Used Says Sean Gunn

Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Using James Gunn Script Says Sean Gunn

Prior to James Gunn getting fired for tweets that resurfaced from ten years ago, the director had turned in his script for Guardians of the Galaxy 3, and now his brother, Sean Gunn, offers up that Disney will still be using that script. 

“I don’t really know yet what’s going on with Guardians 3. I know that Disney still wants to make the movie. I know that they have every intention of using the script that my brother wrote,” Sean Gunn told Tulsa World. “Obviously, that was a very unfortunate situation for everybody, most of all him, but I am also somebody who had been preparing to spend half a year making that movie and now that’s up in the air.”

With James Gunn out of the picture, Disney is currently searching for a new director for Guardians of the Galaxy 3, which Sean Gunn touches upon.

“Obviously, I think it’s a tricky proposition for them to find another director to step in — and also the scheduling of a lot of other actors who are incredibly busy can’t be easy. But I know that they plan on making the movie. I had not been contacted at all for a while, but I was recently contacted by Marvel saying, ‘Yeah, we do plan to make this movie. We’re just not sure when yet.’ ”

Guardians of the Galaxy James Gunn Sean Gunn

Sean Gunn’s words are similar to that of fellow co-star Dave Bautista who recently confirmed Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is on permanent hold. The Drax actor also said he wouldn’t do Guardians of the Galaxy 3 without James Gunn’s script.

“It’s kind of a strange situation to be in now where we’ve lost our director for Guardians,” Dave Bautista said in a recent interview. “Guardians 3 is really up in the air and I don’t know what they’re going to do with it. It’s on permanent hold for now, and that may make a difference in what they do with our characters in Avengers 4. To be honest with you, right now I really don’t know… Where I’m at right now is that if [Marvel] don’t use that script, then I’m going to ask them to release me from my contract, cut me out or recast me. I’d be doing James a disservice if I didn’t.”

Guardians of the Galaxy 3 presently doesn’t have a release date, but originally it was said to start filming early next year for a 2020 release. Details for the movie include that it does take place following The Avengers 4.

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