Gotham “Joker” Trailer

Gotham Joker

Gotham released a new trailer for the final two episodes of the season featuring Jeremiah as the Joker.

Jeremiah recently became the Joker following his twin brother Jerome’s death.

“You’ve met Jerome. Now, it’s time to meet Jeremiah Valeska in this epic and insane trailer for the final two episodes of Gotham this season,” the video teases. 

The next episode is described as: As Gotham falls into complete anarchy, a team of unlikely heroes step up to save it. Bullock takes the lead at the GCPD and Bruce’s psychological limits are tested as those close to him are put in danger in the all-new “A Dark Knight: One Bad Day” episode of GOTHAM airing Thursday, May 10th on FOX.

Gotham airs Thursdays at 9pm EST on FOX starring Ben McKenzie as James Gordon and David Mazouz as Bruce Wayne.



Gotham Joker Trailer

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