Good Luck DC: Bendis Signs With DC Comics

Brian Bendis DC Comics

RIP DC Comics as Marvel Comics writer Brian Bendis has signed on exclusively with the company.

DC Comics and Brian Bendis confirmed the news on social media.

“We are beyond thrilled to welcome Brian Michael Bendis exclusively to the DC family with a multi-year, multi-faceted deal,” DC tweeted. “He’s one of the premiere writers in the industry having created so many unforgettable stories wherever he’s been and we can’t wait to see what he has planned for the DC Universe.”

Bendis followed the news with his own tweet: “This is real. I love you all. Change is good. Change is healthy. I am bursting with ideas and inspirations. Details to come! Stay tuned!”

I’m no fan of Bendis especially after he snaked Guardians of the Galaxy from Abnett and Lanning and ruined the comics and characters. I actually feel bad for all the hard core DC fans out there.

On the plus side, at least Marvel Comics is free of Bendis. Now we just need Perlmutter, Quesada, Loeb, Brevoort, Alonso, Gabriel and Wacker to go.

Interestingly enough, Bendis leaving Marvel follows their “big” Marvel Legacy initiative, and Bendis was also a part of Ike Perlmutter’s Marvel Comics Creative Committee, so I wonder what has become of that?

Marvel Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada also congratulated Bendis with a series of tweets:

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