Ghosbusters 3 Rumor Sounds Iffy


This week saw the new Ghostbusters 3 movie announced with details mentioned that it is not a reboot and takes place within the same universe as the original 1980’s movies and that it has the son of the original director on board who is a huge fan of the franchise.

Upon watching the teaser and reading the details I was optimistic the new Ghostbusters could actually be a good movie, as I thought maybe it would be similar to what Sony did with Dwayne Johnson’s Jumanji, which was a huge hit at the box office and even managed to take down Disney’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

However, as Sony was also behind the 2016 all-female Ghostbusters that was just terrible, now a rumor about the new movie offers that things may have not changed, unfortunately.

Ghostbusters 3

The rumor comes from We Got This Covered, who has been churning out more rumors than The Stay Puft Man has marshmallows as of late, but according to the site, the new Ghostbusters 3 involves a little boy and girl.

It’s claimed that the boy is around 13 years of age and is “passionate about fantasy and conspiracy theories.” It’s said he approaches every situation with “unbridled excitement for the unknown.” It’s also said that he apparently talks to himself as he “narrates life in real time” adding “descriptive color” to the people he meets.

Now regarding the girl, she is around 12 years of age and is said to be an insanely smart kid who often has a hard time with “interpreting and expressing emotions and speaks with a flat delivery that makes her observations humorous.” It’s said, “…though she wants to connect with others, she struggles with interpreting how family and friends feel and has difficulty sharing her own feelings.” Her ability to make good decisions and quick judgments are said to “prove invaluable throughout the story.”

It’s further said the plot of the new Ghostbusters 3 focuses on a family who moves back to a small town where they begin to “learn more about who they are and the secrets of the town itself.” While it is unknown how or if the original Ghostbusters will factor into the movie, it’s guessed the family may be related to the originals somehow. 

Obviously, this is just a rumor, but if you hadn’t told me it was for Ghostbusters 3, I would have thought it was the plot for a Goosebumps 3. Are the kids going to don nuclear-powered proton backs and fights ghosts, too?

Jason Reitman is directing the flick and in interviews he sounded really excited, so I’m going to try and remain positive, but passing the torch to a bunch of kids is something I’ll probably pass on. I’ll just pop in Monster Squad and enjoy that.

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