Fox Pulls Gambit From Release Date Schedule; Predator, Alien: Covenant Dates Announced


It’s being reported that Fox has pulled Gambit from its release date schedule, and that Gambit presently has no new release date.

Gambit was originally set for an October 7th release of this year and was scheduled to begin filming next month.

Fox has also scheduled two new untitled Fox/Marvel movies for an October 6, 2017 release and a January 12, 2018 release, respectively. 

It’s possible Gambit could take one of those dates.

Another possibility is that Deadpool 2 could be released on one of those dates — as the movie is a huge success, Fox may want to get a sequel out as quickly as possible.

The newly announced Predator movie has also been given a March 2, 2018 release, and Fox has given Ridley Scott’s Alien: Covenant a new release date of August 4, 2017.

Fox’s schedule also includes X-Men: Apocalypse on May 27, 2016, and the untitled Wolverine movie on March 3, 2017.

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