The Flash Season 5 Suit Leaks; Grant Gustin Responds

The Flash Season 5 Suit Leaks; Grant Gustin Responds

An image of Grant Gustin in The Flash Season 5 suit has leaked online early, which has seen the internet react rather questionably, and now star Grant Gustin has responded on social media.

The Flash Season 5 suit appears to almost resemble one of those Mego action figures as the material seems to be less leather-looking than the previous versions and has more cotton-like material.

As it is the internet, more than a few fans have stated they are not in favor of it, with some stating Grant Gustin is too skinny or the costume too big, which saw Grant Gustin post a lengthy response to on Instagram.

“So here’s the thing about this bullsh-it photo leak. It’s a cool suit,” Gustin said. “That’s a terrible photo that I was unaware was being taken, much less posted. Some things need work and they will be worked on. We’ll get there.”

Grant Gustin continued blasting those who “body shamed” him about being too skinny.

“As far as the body shaming. That’s what pisses me off,” Gustin said. “Not even just for my sake. I’ve had 20+ years of kids and adults telling me or my parents I was too thin. I’ve had my own journey of accepting it. But there’s a double standard where it’s ok to talk sh-t about a dudes body. I do my best to stay in shape and add as mich sizes as I can through out the seasons. I’m naturally thing, and my appetite is greatly affectd by stress. Stress is something that ebbs and flows for me throughout a season.”

The Flash

Gustin continued: “Thus, gaining weight is a challenge for me. I didn’t cast a slim actor as The Flash. I went to an audition for a role I never dreamed I’d actually book. But, here I am 5 seasons later. I’m happy with my body and who I am and other kids who are built like me and thinner than me should be able to feel the same way. Not only that, but they should be able to feel like THEY could be a superhero on tv or film or whatever it may be someday.”

Gustin ends the message by stating he he does like the look of The Flash Season 5 suit and that they are still working on things.

“I love the suit that has been designed for me, and I think when everyone sees it in its entirtey, you will love it too,” Gustin said. “Things have been adjusted since that leaked shot was taken down, and more things will continue to be adjuste duntil it feels right.”

The Flash Season 5 premieres Tuesday, October 9 on The CW.


Read this if you have good enough eyes.

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Read this if you have good enough eyes.

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