The Flash Season 5 Suit Officially Revealed

The Flash Season 5 Suit Officially Revealed

A few days ago saw an image of The Flash Season 5 leak online, which caused all kinds of drama and controversy, but now the official look has been released.

Grant Gustin, who recently took to social media to blast the haters, now posts the “official” look at The Flash Season 5 suit as well as a “bonus” image of himself showing off the big guns.

“First OFFICIAL look at Barry’s new threads for season 5,” Grant Gustin posted. “Was given the ‘ok’ to give you guys a little bonus sneak peek. I took this shot late last night during our night shoot. I was clearly feeling myself. I truly love this suit,” he said.

As we see, the official look image and the behind-the-scenes image of The Flash Season 5 suit looks a lot better than the earlier leaked image, which saw Grant Gustin post a lengthy rebuttal against “body shamers.”

“So here’s the thing about this bullsh-it photo leak. It’s a cool suit. That’s a terrible photo that I was unaware was being taken, much less posted. Some things need work and they will be worked on. We’ll get there, “Grant Gustin posted in part earlier. “As far as the body shaming. That’s what pisses me off,” Gustin said. “Not even just for my sake. I’ve had 20+ years of kids and adults telling me or my parents I was too thin. I’ve had my own journey of accepting it. But there’s a double standard where it’s ok to talk sh-t about a dudes body. I do my best to stay in shape and add as mich sizes as I can through out the seasons. I’m naturally thing, and my appetite is greatly affectd by stress. Stress is something that ebbs and flows for me throughout a season.”

Check out the official look and Gustin’s posts:

The Flash

The Flash Season 5 premieres Tuesday, October 9 on The CW.

The Flash Season 5 Suit

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