Fantastic Four Still No More At Marvel Comics


With Fantastic Four back on merchandise and posters, it was thought that the feud between Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter and Fox Studios had come to a conclusion.

After all, Perlmutter’s Marvel TV is working with Fox on their new X-Men TV shows.

However, it’s learned that things between Perlmutter and Fox might not be as smoothed over as thought–at least in regards to the Fantastic Four.

While at the recent C2E2 it was thought that Marvel Comics EIC Axel Alonso may have been teasing the return of Fantastic Four, but now apparently it’s the Fantastic Three?!

According to Bleeding Cool, Marvel Comics showed off a “Fantastic Three” teaser to a bunch of retailers, obviously meaning no Fantastic Four comic, which is a huge bummer.

But it gets worse. Much worse.

The article seems to insinuate that the Fantastic Three comic will be written by Brian Bendis.

If that’s the case, I can guarantee Marvel Comics will be throwing everything and the kitchen sink at the title to get it to sell–much like they did when Bendis stole took over Guardians of the Galaxy (which was just awful). Marvel Comics gave Bendis an A-list artist (who lasted an issue by the way) and literally dozens and dozens of variant issues. As noted, to boot, the series was terribly written and an insult to any Marvel Cosmic or any comic book reader. I guarantee we will be saying the same about Bendis’ Fantastic Four–simply because of the fact that Bendis doesn’t respect the source material or the fans. 

Hopefully the Bendis rumor turns out not to be true, but “Fantastic Three” is pretty bad as well. I’ll be skipping this.

Marvel Comics needs all new leadership from the top down, IMO. Things don’t appear as if they will ever get better. 

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