Fantastic Four Movie To Feature Comic Book Costumes


Though it was previously said we might not see costumes in the Fantastic Four reboot, images revealed some sort of outfit, which has been described as “containment suits.”

Now it’s learned Fantastic Four will feature more traditional looking costumes as well.

Miles Teller spoke about the Fantastic Four costumes with Screen Crush.

These are the beta versions of the costumes, which is great […] But, yeah it would be very odd if the Fantastic Four didn’t don the traditional costumes. You’ve got to. There is some servicing there. You’ve got to give that to the fans. That’s what it’s all about.

It’s also suggested that the costumes may feature the “F” logo and could possibly be revealed at the end of the movie (and not having to wait for the sequel).

Fox also released a new image:

Fantastic Four has an August 7, 2015 release directed by Josh Trank from a screenplay by Jeremy Slater, Simon Kinberg and Josh Trank; produced by Matthew Vaughn, Simon Kinberg, Hutch Parker, Robert Kulzar and Gregory Goodman; starring: Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, Kate Mara, Jamie Bell and Toby Kebbell.


FANTASTIC FOUR, a contemporary re-imagining of Marvel’s original and longest-running superhero team, centers on four young outsiders who teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe, which alters their physical form in shocking ways. Their lives irrevocably upended, the team must learn to harness their daunting new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy.


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